Compassion fatigue is a condition that occurs when a person becomes emotionally and physically exhausted as a result of constantly caring for others who are suffering or in need. This can be particularly common in professions such as healthcare, social work, human services, counseling, ministry, and emergency response, where individuals are frequently exposed to trauma and stress.
The constant exposure to other people’s pain and suffering can cause an individual to become overwhelmed and fatigued, leading to a loss of motivation, a decrease in empathy and compassion, and an increase in feelings of cynicism, frustration, and even anger. This can ultimately affect their ability to provide quality care and support to those in need.
Compassion fatigue is not the same as burnout, although the two are often used interchangeably. Burnout is characterized by feelings of exhaustion, cynicism, and a reduced sense of accomplishment, and can occur in any profession, while compassion fatigue is specifically related to the stress of caring for others in need.
To prevent and manage compassion fatigue, individuals can take steps such as practicing self-care, seeking support from colleagues and supervisors, setting boundaries, and finding ways to recharge outside of work. It’s also important for employers to provide resources and support for their employees to prevent and address compassion fatigue in the workplace.
When employees or even volunteers experience compassion fatigue it can negatively impact organizational effectiveness and even worker retention. Organizations that want to maximize their impact should provide care and support for their own team.
Many organizations now provide mental health days as a benefit, onsite meditation rooms or chapels, health and wellness programs, and boundary training. How is your organization committed to helping prevent compassion fatigue among your staff, volunteers, and leaders?